Digital Storytelling in the Community of Behchokò, Northwest Territories


Last February I was in Yellowknife for the Northwest Territories Teachers Association Conference teaching educators how to use Digital Storytelling in the classroom. In was in one of my workshops that I met Tammy Steinwald from the Tłicho Government. Tammy works in the Tłicho community of Behchokò, and was determined to make Digital Literacy workshops happen in her home town.

Fast forward one year (almost to the day) and I was flying back up to Yellowknife to deliver one week of workshops with Behchokò students and adults February 18-22 2019. A big thank you to Tammy for making the workshops happen, as well as a big shout out to the NWT Literacy Council who generously loaned us 10 iPads for the project!

Behchokò is actually made up of two towns: Edzo and Rae, and combined has a population of about 2000 people. Behchokò is the largest Dene community in Canada, and this was our first visit to deliver workshops.

The 1st workshop took place over 2 days with 10 students aged 15-26 at the Chief Jimmy Bruneau School, and the group was fantastic! The students got really into the first day’s photography activities, posing for powerful portraits, playing with shadow (thanks for the amazing sunlight Behchokò!) and even got permission to take photos of the lunch prepared by the kitchen cooks.

Below you will be able to view two completed Digital Stories from this workshop: one by 17-year old Allistair Wetrade, and the second by 26-year old Desmond Zoe.

The 2nd Digital Storytelling workshop took place in Rae with 6 adults who had little-to-no iPad or computer experience. It was a jam-packed few days with plenty of stories shared, jokes told, and photos taken in-and-around the Sportsplex.

You can watch Lloyd Bishop’s project titled “Birch Bark” below — this story was one shared with him by his grandmother, and he felt it was important to document this story and share it with others.

Jessie would like to thank everyone in Behchokò for their invitation and participation in the week of workshops. Your support for Digital Literacy outreach programs, such as this one, is greatly appreciated and we are prettyyyy sure everyone involved had a great time. :)

Until next time Behchokò! Masi.

Sara Barnabe